Pink Luminous Advocacy Project

"The Pink Luminous Advocacy Project aims for the education of women and men on the need to be proactive with their breast health, by disseminating awareness, prevention, and catching it in early stages.

We are also focused on investing in research, specifically as it relates to how red LED spectrum light can be used to detect early symptoms of breast cancer, enabling women to monitor their breast health at home.

Our third priority focuses on distributing preliminary breast cancer screening tools to women living in financially challenged communities, where the resources for mammograms are not easily accessible. Join us and become part of the movement today!"

— Pink Luminous Advocacy Project

Join here and become part of the movement today!


Goods Gone Global

"Our mission is simple: support entrepreneurs around the world by sharing their locally sourced, handmade goods with our community. Our hope is that goods gone global creates jobs, inspires entrepreneurs, and enables women to empower themselves. Shopping small can be hard, with longer delivery times and more expensive products, but it’s hard to shop any other way once you see the impact that these purchases have on entrepreneurs in countries like Haiti and Guatemala."

Goods Gone Global

Shop Goods Gone Global here and help support their beautiful mission!